The median sale price of a home in Ravenwood Estates was $835K last month, up 33.6% since last year. The median sale price per square foot in Ravenwood Estates is $186, up 2.2% since last year.
What is the housing market like in Ravenwood Estates today?
Sale Price
+33.6% since last year
Sale $/Sq. Ft.
+2.2% since last year
Over List Price
Days on Market
Down Payment
Total Homes Sold
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Schools in Ravenwood Estates
Learn about schools in the Ravenwood Estates area
GreatSchools Rating
No elementary schools in this region.
School data provided by GreatSchools. School service boundaries are intended to be used as reference only. To verify enrollment eligibility for a property, contact the school directly.
Climate's impact on Ravenwood Estates housing
Learn about natural hazards and environmental risks, such as floods, fires, wind, and heat that
could impact homes in Ravenwood Estates.
Flood Factor
We’re working on getting current and accurate flood risk information
Fire Factor
<1% of properties are at risk of wildfire over the next 30 years
Wind Factor
Ravenwood Estates has minimal risk of severe winds over the next 30 years
Heat Factor
We’re working on getting current and accurate heat risk information