Booth Free School, CT Real estate agents
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Redfin agents rank in the top 1% nationwide and are the most experienced in the industry. With local expertise backed by powerful technology, we know how to write winning offers and sell your home for top dollar.
Why choose a Redfin agent?
Happier customers
We survey our customers to ensure our agents are delivering exceptional service.
Higher proceeds. Lower fees.
Keep more of the proceeds from your home sale by paying a 1.5% listing fee—or 1% when you buy and sell with Redfin. You could save thousands.
Local agents to guide you
Redfin agents know your neighborhood and have an experienced support team to give you the best experience.
Partner agents in Booth Free School
When a Redfin agent isn't available, we recommend a partner agent from another brokerage. When you work with a partner agent you can expect the same high level of service as a Redfin agent. Find out more
Recent reviews of Redfin agents in Booth Free School
Redfin surveys the customers we referred to partner agents and posts the reviews online so you can see our history of home sales and happy clients in your neighborhood.14 5th St, Ansonia, CT
$550K • 8 Bed, 3 Bath, 4156 Sq. Ft. • Multiple offers
100 Leonard Rd, Stafford, CT
$350K • 3 Bed, 1.5 Bath, 1770 Sq. Ft. • Multiple offers
1000 Harvard St #6, Boston, MA
$315K • 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 690 Sq. Ft.
9 Bellrose St, Stafford, CT
$331K • 4 Bed, 1.5 Bath, 1696 Sq. Ft.
112 Fallview Dr, Glastonbury, CT
$2.4M • 5 Bed, 7 Bath, 6977 Sq. Ft. • Multiple offers
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