Make sure your transaction closes smoothly and on time. A real estate attorney ensures everything is in order before the transfer of ownership. In some states, they even close the home purchase.
Law Office of Jacob J. Awad, L.L.C.
Law Office of Robert J. Machi, LLC
The Law Offices of Peter G. Aziz & Associates LLC
Make your home irresistible to potential buyers. A home stager will remove, add, and arrange your home furnishings, or even change wall color, window treatments, or other interiors elements so it is styled to attract a home buyer from the moment they walk in the door.
Know everything there is to know about the home. An inspector gives you an accurate picture of a home's condition so you can confidently negotiate and close the deal.
Educated Home Inspections
Prime Choice Inspections, LLC
*Redfin Open Book lists service providers strictly as a resource, and is for informational purposes only. The Redfin Recommended logo is not a guarantee of quality of services, satisfaction, or fairness in pricing. Redfin strongly recommends that consumers make informed decisions, and independently verify the license and bonded status of any service provider with their state and local government.
Bay Equity Home Loans and Title Forward (Forward Settlement Solutions) are affiliates of Redfin. You are not required to use their services. See our Affiliated Business Disclosure. Equal Housing Lender.