Nevada Housing Market
Home prices in Nevada were up 5.0% year-over-year in January. At the same time, the number of homes sold rose 1.9% and the number of homes for sale rose 22.9%.
Home prices in Nevada were up 5.0% year-over-year in January. At the same time, the number of homes sold rose 1.9% and the number of homes for sale rose 22.9%.
What is the housing market like right now?
The direction and pace at which home prices are changing are indicators of the strength of the housing market and whether homes are becoming more or less affordable. The median price of a home in the United States is currently $455,000.
Are there enough homes for sale to meet buyer demand?
The direction and pace at which housing supply changes indicate whether the options for buyers are increasing or decreasing. They can also indicate whether homes are lingering on the market or being sold faster than sellers are listing them. There are currently 14,907 residential homes for sale in the United States.